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Professional Motorcycle Service, & Repair in Stockton, CA

Schedule your oil change today

Drop off your bike in the morning and pick it up the same day.

Harley Davidson- All oil service $199.95 Regularly $299.95

This includes engine oil, oil filter, transmission, and primary fluid.

Sport bikes- Oil change $124.95 Regularly $199.95

This includes engine oil and filter.

Wednesday and Friday only

Experts in Motorcycle Repair in Stockton, CA

D&S Moto Works is located at Stockton, CA’s historic oldest motorcycle service and repair facility. With nearly sixty years of combined experience between our motorcycle technicians, we’re happy to fix whatever you need on your bike. We’ve worked on hundreds of vehicles since our genesis and can help you with yours next, whether you have a motorcycle, dirt bike, or a scooter. With two large service bays and state-of-the-art tools and techniques, you’ll be back on your bike in no time. Our specialists work on both foreign and domestic cruisers and sport riders, as we believe there’s room on the road for everyone. If your bike isn’t quite performing how you’d prefer or it’s time for an oil change, give us a call.

Customer Reviews

Stay in Touch with Our Community

We love being part of our community! As avid riders ourselves, D&S Moto Works regularly participates in and hosts meet & greets and other learning opportunities. We’re a team of lifelong enthusiasts who love riding motorcycles, working on them, and the people who ride with us. When we’re not out riding, we’re running maintenance and fine-tuning our machines so we can get right back out there. If you want to meet other riders and talk shop, come out to one of our events. We’re always looking to make new friends. Check out our Events and Sponsorships page to stay up to date on the latest happenings around Stockton.

For Enthusiasts, By Enthusiasts

Stop By Our Shop Today!

We’re not just a repair garage. Our Stockton, CA shop stays stocked with wheels, tires, and other parts for purchase. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, visit our online store. Stop by today and peruse our parts. If you find something you’re not sure how to install, talk to our expert staff. We’re more than happy to talk shop with you and schedule an installation appointment.

1812 E Harding Way
Stockton, CA 95205


Hours of Operation

Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Closed October 19th)



D&S MOTO WORKS, East Harding Way, Stockton, CA, USA